St. Anne's Sisterhood is a ministry comprised of the women of our parish (and some men). Our purpose is fellowship and encouragement for women and to contribute to the community life of our parish by extending our hospitality through social activities and fundraising.
Some of our activities include: • Hosting fellowship luncheons • Management of the Spring and Fall Bazaars • Pyrohy/verenyky sales • Community outreach projects • Sending cards and encouragement to those who are sick or homebound
Since a core goal of this ministry is bringing the women of the parish together, we encourage everyone to participate.
Pyrohy Pickup Schedule (Also known as Pierogi, Vereneky or one of the 4 basic food groups)
Pyrohy Sales will resume on September 13, 2019! To order please call 302-798-4588 on the Monday or Tuesday before the pick up date between 9:00-11:00.
The coundown has started for the Spring Bazaar
We had the largest crowd ever in the history of our bazaar last fall. We are working extra hard to get ready for the Spring Bazaar in April. Be sure to come and visit. We won't let you go away hungry!