What is the UOL? The Ukrainian Orthodox League of the USA (UOL) is an auxiliary organization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, formed by the seventh Sobor in 1946. The major purposes of the UOL include the development of better knowledge and understanding of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; encouraging youth interest and participation in the Church; publishing and distributing educational materials; promoting religious, cultural, and social activities and programs; promoting by every means possible the growth and development of the Orthodox Church. Goals of the UOL
Promoting active participation in all aspects of the Orthodox faith and supporting the Church.
Developing and maintaining programs and projects which educate members and promote dedication and commitment to the Church, Her teachings, traditions, and missions.
Proving opportunities for the development of leadership skills and responsibility among the youth of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.
Providing and promoting information on Ukrainian heritage and history to the general public and establishing means which ensure the continuation of cultural awareness and pride within our membership.